Shipping Container Survey

Municipal Council recently passed amendments to the Chester Village and Area planning documents that allow shipping containers to be used as accessory structures for commercial businesses zoned Highway Commercial outside of the Village boundary and north of Highway 3, inside the Village boundary.
Municipal Council are seeking input from residents on their opinion of allowing shipping containers to be used as accessory structures south of Highway 3 on commercial properties zoned Highway Commercial.
Would you support changes that would allow commercial businesses in the Highway Commercial Zone of the south side of Highway 3 that are located within the Village boundary to have a shipping container:
No, under no circumstance
Yes, they should be allowed the same as they are on the north side of Highway 3
Yes, but only if the following conditions applied (check all that should apply):
Only on properties that don’t abut a residential zone
Only on properties that have frontage on Highway 3
Only one container is permitted per property
If they are hidden from view
Must have setbacks from residential properties
Must have size and height limitations
Must have pitched roof
Must have siding/cladding
Other conditions (please note in comments)
If you are unable to attend the public meeting but wish to provide input, please complete the short survey, available to May 31st. The meeting will be held Monday May 15, 2017 at 7:00 pm in Council Chambers. You are all welcome to attend the meeting.